Gender Female
Breed DSH
Declawed No
Color Grey
Markings Tabby
Personality Playful Friendly Affectionate
How I Feel About Children Unknown
How I Feel About Dogs Unknown
How I Feel About Cats Very Comfortable
Age 4 years
Special Considerations


If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that Prescott is perfect. 

From her beautiful and inquisitive green eyes, to her adorable gray toes. She is perfection personified as a cat. 

Life has not always been perfect for Prescott. She found her way to Tabby’s Place with her body badly broken and raging with infection. The injuries she sustained left her permanently incontinent, requiring her bladder to be manually expressed. Through all of this, Prescott was a perfect patient. She was a perfect houseguest in her foster home, and is now a perfect addition to our lobby. If you are to visit us, you will be greeted by our sweet and silly Prescott. She can be found parkouring on the cat furniture with her buddy Hips, or playing a game of tag with dear Valerie. After a hearty play session, she can be found snoozing in a cat tree, or a soft kitty bed. 

Prescott’s needs may be different from the average cat, but we are happy to teach you more about her care. Fill out an application for our perfect Prescott today!

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