Update for Buddy

Update for Buddy

I hope you had a fine National Cat Day. Naturally, at Tabby’s Place the celebration of cats goes on all year long, always with appreciation for the aid of your own generous donations. Thank you!

In fact, while you wouldn’t think such an honorable objective as making cats happy could be taken too far, the word from briefer of volunteers and Tabby’s Place writing pro Angela H. is that someone (or someones) mistakenly distributed non-prescription treats to the residents of the FIV-positive suite. The cats enjoyed the contraband chow, including Buddy — and we *know* that Buddy will let you know when he doesn’t like a type of food — so there’s been a gentle reminder to all well-meaning humans that the kindest thing to do really is to respect their diet restrictions. (Regardless of what the cats say!)

Buddy’s been feeling fine just the same, and this past month our gentleman cat also had the honor of being a featured feline on Tabby’s Place’s public Facebook page. That post at last look had attracted more than a hundred likes/loves, plus a couple of dozen “shares.” Will that translate into one Awesome Adopter? Don’t put it past our Buddy to get something he wants, whether it’s food or a Forever Home.

His current living quarters are quite nice, giving him room to ramble and his choice of indoors with a view of the lobby or a solarium with a view of a bird feeder. But if or when he is adopted, I hope his home has furniture designed for cats. (Never mind that many a cat probably would prefer the box used to transport it!)

Even better would be Twitter access so he could follow Paddles, a polydactl who happens to be the First Cat of New Zealand. Maybe they could compare furniture, or they could share notes on how to get extra treats, or even more important, how to turn National Cat Day into National Cat Month. With appreciative purrs from Buddy, so long for now.