Update for Tux

Update for Tux

Dear Friend of Tux,

Time to wake up already?

Spring is the season of growth and promise. The sun shines a bit brighter and daylight savings time gives us humans more time to enjoy it.

Tux didn’t realize that breakfast arrived a little earlier than expected this most recent weekend. But he did notice a seeming abundance of desk space and window seats. Why, you ask? Two of Tux’s long-time friends and roommates were adopted together!

Shelley and Harvey found great joy in snuggling with one another, and now they get to snuggle together forever in the comfort of a home.

Before you stop to say, “Aww, poor Tux, he lost his snuggle buddies,” let me assure you that Tux has adapted to this turn of events just fine. In fact, he seems quite pleased that there is once again room to sprawl out in a bed, stretch one’s toes against the warm window glass, and use a blanket for a pillow rather than another cat’s back end.

Life is good.

Tux is lounging in luxury as he once again has full authority over the administrative department of Tabby’s Place. His health is steady.

I stopped to visit with him earlier this week and he was sitting in one of his favorite fluffy beds with eyes partially narrowed. It was not an expression of concern, but one of contentment. I believe we could say that Tux is “pleased as punch.”

Because of loving friends like you, Tux has everything that he needs: warm cozy beds, yummy kibble, human companionship, and sunny windows. Life is good. These days there’s just a bit more room to stretch out and savor it.

Your correspondent,