Update for Tux

Update for Tux

Tux at his old workstation.

Dear Friends of Tux,

I am happy to report that Tux has been in good health this month. He’s been enjoying increased visitations from his expanded group of human comfort buddies. One of his newer buddies always gives him a gentle brushing when she visits. He loves this!

What Tux does not love is the view from Intake.

In preparation for our expansion and renovations, the Community Room that Tux calls home has been emptied of everything: furniture, humans, and cats. It is getting a fresh coat of paint and new furnishings.

The humans that use the office spaces in the Community Room are temporarily sharing offices elsewhere in the building or working remotely. The cats, Tux included, were moved to a temporary space—Intake. What is Intake? Well, Intake is one of three (soon to be four) rooms that are used for the temporary housing and evaluation of cats when they first arrive at Tabby’s Place. These rooms are designed for cats that need to be isolated from one another.

Tux just before the move to Intake.

The Community Room residents do not need to be isolated from one another, so most of them are free to roam about the room moving from one plush nook to another. Tux is getting to know some of his roommates in a new way through this process. It seems that he and Pearl both enjoy curling up in a quiet spot. These two don’t usually snuggle, but perhaps they have shared some good conversation over the state of things and pondered when they might return to their beloved Community Room and its frequent visiting humans.

I was not on site the day that all the cats moved to Intake, but I have been told that Tux had a great deal to say about the situation. He was crying (which he doesn’t usually do) on his first day in Intake and I was worried that it would be a difficult week for him.

On two recent visits, Tux appreciated pets and attention and rewarded me with his loving purrs. I do think they were a bit quieter than normal, but that is not entirely unexpected.

Tux at his new workstation.

I am happy to report that Tux was able to return to his beloved (and renovated) Community Room before this update hit the press. He seems pleased with his new setup as he now gets to have a bed directly on Ginny’s new desk.

Tux is thankful for you this holiday season. It is your love and support that keep him happy and healthy throughout the year. He can’t wait to introduce you to his new space!

Your Correspondent,