Update for Tux

Update for Tux

Tux oversees a meeting.

Dear Friends of Tux,

September ushers in a season of transition as daily schedules shift from vacation to work and school and leaves turn from green to gold. September of 2022 is no different and yet it feels different.

Tux investigates a new box.

After several weeks of general malaise, it seems Tux is rejuvenated. He was given a break from stroller rides and Aged to Purrfection visits when he was seemingly more unsettled upon returning from these adventures. But after a brief hiatus, Tux’s spirit and sense of curiosity have returned.

He is once again joining (and overseeing) meetings in the Community Room. He is sprinting from opposing corners of the room with no clear purpose in mind. He is seeking out attention and attending to business.

Perhaps Tux is transitioning with the seasons. More likely, he is recalibrating after a change in residency status. Tux remains in the Community Room, but Frankie has moved out and into the Lobby. After several months of worry over Frankie’s whereabouts, Tux can once again relax into new routines and savor his golden years.

Did you know that our own dear Tux is currently the oldest resident at Tabby’s Place at 18 years of age? This was one of the Tabby’s Place trivia questions shared at the annual Tabby’s Place Volunteer Appreciation Picnic (which resumed again after two years of pandemic interruption).

Do I look 18 to you?

Tux may be our oldest resident, and he has no intention of moving from his beloved Community Room, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be excited about what he is seeing outside his windows these days. Before we know it, he’ll be able to watch some FeLV+ kitties enjoying the newly screened solarium closest to the Community Room. Tux has already taken many stroller rides around the new expansion. He and I both hope you are as excited as we are for the wonderful things to come to Tabby’s Place.

Tux and I hope that your summer was a time of rejuvenation and that you will enjoy all that the seasonal transitions bring to you this year. Tux knows that he has you to thank for helping him live his best senior kitty life here at Tabby’s Place!

Your Correspondent,
