Update for Tux

Update for Tux

Dear Friends of Tux,

Tux and I hope this update finds you enjoying the return of the bees and butterflies to the flower beds. Here at Tabby’s Place, stroller rides are back in full swing and the birds are busy at the window feeders. There is much to delight the kitty senses each day.

Tux enjoys watching things fly outside the Community Room windows. But, what he enjoys, even more, is a good nap! At nearly every visit with Tux this last month, he has been curled up sound asleep when I arrive. Tux doesn’t mind waking up for a good pet session, but he usually wakes with suspicion: “Will she or won’t she put sticky meds in my mouth?”

For many months there has been little to report in regard to the health of Tux. All of his issues seemed to be well under control. But this last month, Tux mixed things up for us. His stomatitis began to flare on one side of his mouth, so we increased his steroid dose to reduce the inflammation in his mouth. Tux also experienced several episodes of constipation and nausea/vomiting. Both afflictions can reduce one’s appetite.

Several months ago, the Community Room switched to a poultry and beef (no seafood) wet food diet. We had several Community residents that were having a difficult time digesting some of their breakfast and dinner. When some of those residents also have trouble balancing in or using the litter box, it can make for a rather large mess. I speak here of our beloved Bianca, who has a moderate case of cerebellar hypoplasia, and Dani, who is paraparetic and can’t always feel the urge to empty her colon. Since we removed the seafood from their diet, there have been far fewer messes to clean.

Whether Tux had a seafood preference, a sore mouth, or simply had an unsettled tummy, he was not eating very well at the beginning of the month. Unlike many of his feline roommates, he is not motivated by the promise of food or treats. Tux has long been particular about his food and frequently turns up his nose at a tray of pate. But this distaste for food was more concerning and Tux was put on an appetite stimulant.

We have since discovered one variety of wet cat food that tickles his fancy–Fancy Feast Savory Centers. This particular variety of pate seems to be popular with many fussy felines nationwide. It is frequently “out of stock” at grocery stores and at online pet suppliers. Our staff has learned to stock up when we can since one never knows when a run on savory centers will occur.

Tux wants to thank you for your continued support during this unusual and challenging year. It is your love and support that has kept everyone at Tabby’s Place going strong. I have so often found myself turning to Tux for comfort, peace, assurance, and inspiration. He is a magical feline. But the reason he can share his magic with me (and his other lucky visitors) is because of you!

Your Correspondent,