Update for the TNR Fund

Update for the TNR Fund

Wario, warm and wonderful

Happy December, Team TNR!

Here we are, together, at the hinge of the year. How many lives have you lived since the first days of carefully writing 2-0-2-3? I earnestly hope the joys coated the sorrows like a snowcap of confectioner’s sugar. I hope you and your loved ones are wrapped in sweet peace even as you read these words.

And I hope we’ll all remember what cats never forget: the story’s not over.

If you’re an impossible goober like me, December douses you in sentiment. You are pensive, mushy, grateful, weepy. You look back on the year and get all the lights and stories tangled. But then, if you are fortunate, you look to your nearest cat. With a single flick of the tail, they remind us: the year ain’t over. The joy ain’t over. And the story? Why, we’ve scarcely lifted the cover.

Consider our friend Wario, the creamsicle curmudgeon who came in from the cold earlier this fall. A longtime member of a Tabby’s Place TNR colony, Wario has been wary of our care even as it’s kept him hale and hearty through the years. The last thing on Wario’s wish list was “indoor life.”

But where a person might pout, letting ice form on their heart, Wario has chosen wisdom. He’s warmed himself at the hearth of the present moment…and found it full of presents. Coming inside was not on his list of 2023 resolutions, but here he is, happy after all. More and more, our surly sugar plum comes out to greet us. He dozes blissfully in beds shaped like dream-donuts. He turns the pages and learns that his best days were not behind him.

The silver star who delivered himself to our doorstep!

If “old age” were a product on Amazon, Wario would give it five stars. “Unexpectedly awesome. Criminally underrated. Mysteriously cozy.”

Then there’s Benvolio, a silver sleuth who sniffed out Tabby’s Place for himself. Benvolio joins a very short list of felines who have spared us the trouble of seeking them out. He leapt into 2023’s sleigh and delivered himself to our door.

He did not, of course, deliver himself to our trap. No, Benvolio was curious, not ready to be caught. But years and mercies catch us all off-guard, and so the grey gargantuan learned the letters T-N-R right here on the premises. Something very scary had to happen for something wonderful to win. Trapped, neutered, and vetted, Benvolio can cartwheel into his next chapter in good health…and with a snazzy story to tell the rest of his colony. (We will almost certainly be returning this dear boy outside, but we are giving him just a bit more time to see if he will learn to accept our affection as of this writing. I will keep you posted.)

Mugsy, one of the Tabby’s Place colony cats YOU help to care for each month

When it comes to our colonies, you might say that every day is a holiday. There are no missed feasts, no forgotten gifts. Dear sponsors, this is always and only because you remember our ragamuffin friends. Your hearts are open twelve months a year, and your generosity never closes for a long weekend. You are the reason there is peace on every little patch of earth where their paws may roam.

Don’t take it from me. Savor these words from Janet, an actual, verifiable angel who personally, selflessly cares for our cat colonies (and who kindly provided these photos of Mugsy, Jelly, and Sugar):

“Hello from the world of Trap Neuter Return. Our mission is to trap (mostly) feral cats, spay/neuter them, and then return them to their original location. The goal is to humanely control their population.

“What many may not realize is that there is continuing care of the cats after their TNR: feeding each day, making sure there is safe shelter from inclement weather and possible predators, and caring for their health needs. Our feline friends are vaccinated for several diseases, along with being microchipped, so they may be identified by a veterinarian or animal control officer.

Mugsy’s buddy Jelly

“We work tirelessly to keep records, identify cats and keep vaccinations current. They must be periodically trapped again for a ‘spa’ day – a visit with the vet to get their vaccines and to check their overall health. Sometimes, we have to trap for visible injuries. After a cat has been trapped a few times, it sometimes takes some cunning moves on the caregivers’ part! I’ve included photos of three of the cats from one of my colonies.”

This, dear sponsors, is your love in action. I’m overcome with gratitude, and not even my gushiest, weepiest words can fully express my thanks.

Colony cutie Sugar thrives because you love

May you and your dear ones of all species have a joyous holiday season, bubbling over with love. We treasure you at Tabby’s Place.

With love and so much gratitude, your correspondent,