Update for the TNR Fund

Update for the TNR Fund

Fear not, dear Wario. The battle for survival is over, and unconditional love is your unending victory at Tabby’s Place.

Happy summer, dear hearts!

I hope the season of peace and popsicles is treating you as tenderly as a kitten. We are, as you might imagine, up to our earlobes in orphans at Tabby’s Place right now, an annual reminder of the importance of TNR.

Kittens are expert bandits, stealing everyone’s hearts. But you have a precious place in our hearts because you treasure the tough guys and gals.

This month, I come to you with a tale of two kitties. They were the best of cats, they were…well, they are all, without exception, the best of cats. That’s every bit as true for those cats who try to do their “worst.”

With a name like Wario, our frosty old creamsicle is not exactly a peace child. A grizzled general in one of our longtime TNR colonies, Wario first joined our extended family nearly a decade ago. At the time, we happened to have a Tabby’s Place resident named Mario, to whom our new feral friend bore a striking resemblance.

But where Mario was warm as marinara, Wario was a true feral cat. We can only surmise that the handsome survivor had never been socialized to people. Loving him well meant respecting his yearnings, and he wanted nothing more than to thrive among cats, outside.

We neutered him (and kissed him repeatedly under anesthesia, our only such opportunity) and we promised to nurture him for the rest of his life.

This summer, that promise returned with life-saving power.

“Once a Tabby’s Place cat,” we say, “always a Tabby’s Place cat.” In the case of our feral beloveds, this means we closely monitor every resident of every TNR colony — hundreds strong at this point. If any of our cats should show signs of illness or injury, we trap them and whisk them back to Tabby’s Place for treatment. This ambitious labor of love is the way we stretch our wingspan far beyond the walls of the sanctuary.

These are the moments when you, personally, are right here beside us, saving lives. It’s not an exaggeration to say that you saved Wario this very spring.

Lovable Lawrence

The proud creamsicle was a bit of a codger now, 10+ years old and suffering from anemia and skin disease. Weak and underweight, he needed immediate care, and a safe place to regain his strength. His prognosis was good…but he would need an extended stay at the Hotel Tabby’s Place.

He didn’t have to ask twice (and he didn’t exactly ask nicely…his “commentary,” translated from feline to human, would not be suitable for this family-friendly update). Wario is ours, which means Wario is beloved, just the way he is.

And today, Wario is eating, packing on weight (the equivalent of over 10 human pounds in less than a month!), and, we can only hope, feeling loved in his own language. We are still determining whether he will be strong enough to return to his safe colony, or if he will be a permanent resident of Tabby’s Place.

Whatever Wario needs from us, we’ll be here…because you’re here. I can’t thank you enough.

But our bellicose boy was not the only TNR victory this month. As Wario recovered, a new friend was uncovered. Shy and wry and described by our vet tech as “the very goodest” guy, Lawrence appeared in the same colony where we’d rescued seniors Agnes, Toulouse, Betty, and Mr. Mustache. Like his neighbors (cousins? aunties and uncle?), little Larry was a cat of a certain age, with sad eyes and crumpled dreams. He deserved for his golden years to glisten with affection (and giblets).

And because you love so big, Larry’s huge eyes were about to fill with wonder.

You can hardly blame the tabby grandpa for his hesitation. When you’ve not known love, it can feel like a trap. When you’ve just been trapped, you can’t trust the earth beneath your feet.

But solid joy was Lawrence’s future, and he’s catching up with it, day by day. Kind fingers feel so good skritching his stubby neck, and dishes of smelly goo are finer than Lobster Florentine.

Wildly different though they may be, Wario and Lawrence are the best of cats.

It’s only possible because you’re the best of friends.

And for two courageous boys, the best is yet to come.

Thank you for being the invincible summer our cats deserve, beloved sponsors. I am continually honored to serve them with you.

Love, your correspondent,