Update for Rose

Update for Rose

Dear Team Rose,

I hope that your Halloween was filled with lots of human treats like candy and caramel apples!

We celebrated Halloween at Tabby’s Place with extra treats, crunchy treats, and my favorite lickable treats!

Several of my fellow Lobby cats get tummy aches from treats with fish, so we enjoy special treats with chicken and beef instead.  My correspondent always checks the treat box in the lobby to be sure we have a good supply of our favorite treats.  I find this so funny:  my pal Hips climbs like a ninja cat onto the box next to the treat box, and dips in to see if there are any opened bags for him to consume!

I started writing this update the other night when the moon was full, bright, and mesmerizing.  I started thinking about all my medical challenges over the past few months, and how grateful I am to have you as a sponsor through the good and bad times.  Your sponsorship, care from the Tabby’s Place team, and love are my best medicine.  Thank you!  I have not earned my medical degree yet, but if I was to evaluate myself, I would say I am headed in the right recovery direction.

My activity level has increased since the last update.  It was not long ago that I remained in hiding because my li’l black-and-white furry body hurt.  These days I stroll around the lobby, stand outside the door where the food comes out, scale onto my favorite chair, and even climb to the top of my crate.  I enjoy following my correspondent as she heads to the storage room or bathroom.  One never knows where lickable treats are hidden!  I am so blessed to have my own soft crate.  I love a good nap when I get sleepy.  The staff even put a note on my crate to always provide me with “extra soft bedding.”  I feel like a VIP!  My biggest challenge is keeping Hips (the eating machine) away from my snacks.  All it takes is the help of a human to zipper shut my crate!

Speaking of getting around, I felt up to assuming my role as the event assistant.  I helped inventory and pack all the supplies for the last event of 2022!

Tours of Tabby’s Place have increased, and I am so happy to meet all the new visitors, especially adopters.  My correspondent makes sure all visitors and new volunteers have the pleasure of meeting me and hearing my story.  Truth be told, she does share introductions and stories of all the cats!

We have had many adoptions recently, which makes me even happier. I know that each adoption means another cat in a hopeless situation will be able to come to Tabby’s Place and receive sanctuary.  My furry paws are crossed that construction stays on schedule, and that Quinn’s Corner will begin welcoming cats with feline leukemia (FeLV) in the spring of 2023…yay!

Have you heard the description “a beehive buzzing with activity?”  That describes Tabby’s Place these days.  While work continues with Quinn’s Corner, the inside of the main sanctuary is getting some sprucing up.  The Community Room was just repainted, and new furniture was moved in. The cats in the room give paws up to the improvements!  I suspected that the painters and furniture-movers might have treats in their toolboxes, so I followed them around!

My health report this month is short and sweet.  On a few occasions, I was observed to be quiet and unsteady.  The vet staff thinks this might be a reaction to my pain medications, so they are tapering me off these to see if I still need them and if my balance improves.  I am over the moon at the medical care and kindness I have been shown as I continue to fight my medical challenges.

Sending you a Southern pecan pie, with Happy Thanksgiving whisker kisses!

(With help from your correspondent, Ilene)