Update for Rose

Update for Rose

Happy Holidays y’all!

December has always been a magical month for your lil’ black and white southern kitty.   I hope that when y’all look back on 2019 you have a bushel filled with happy memories.  I just learned a new word from my correspondent — “brainstorm.”  She and I brainstormed on how to make this month’s end of the year sponsor update a bit different, kind of like adding an extra pinch of sugar into a peach pie.  We decided to share this month’s activities along with some of my favorite moments from 2019 and several bonus photos.  Enjoy, and I thank you from my heart for being such a caring sponsor.  Knowing that you are there makes me feel happy every day!

I had fun during our Thanksgiving with the Cats event last month.  I must confess my favorite part was having visitors delight in feeding turkey to us.  I met new visitors and welcomed back others.  I put on my best cuteness to make everyone feel welcome.  The silent auction went well, and proceeds went to cat care at Tabby’s Place.  My role for the event was merchandise assistant to my correspondent.  I helped her inventory the t-shirts, catnip kickers, and blankets!

For the longest time, my correspondent has wanted to help me even more.  Have y’all heard the expression “dipping your toe in the frog pond before y’all jump in?”  It means going slowly when venturing into something new.  Recently I managed to pull off my diapie (teeth make great pulling tools!) about five minutes before Tabby’s Place opened for the day. That’s why I’m now known as Houdini Rose!  Staff were really busy, and my correspondent offered to help with my diapie.  She jumped right into the frog pond!

Mind you that the last diapie she changed was her lil’ brother’s in 1969.  The result?  I wasn’t sure if I should run or laugh.  Being a polite southern belle, I gave her a chance.  She assisted a staff member and did a great job.  I could sense she was nervous because she would not want to ever make me feel uncomfortable.  Step one is to get my lil’ rabbit-like tail in the diapie, then it’s smooth sailing with the velcro leg straps.

I still prefer to be diapie-free but understand why I need one if I am in the lobby — and I so love being in the lobby.  I do declare that practice makes perfect (my pappy taught me that).  So, when the lobby was busy with visitors, I removed my diapie again!  My correspondent enlisted a fellow volunteer and together they put a new diapie on me.  They both get an A++

Health News…pop the champagne bottle!  I have been in excellent health this month.  I had my annual physical exam and got a clean bill of health!

Here are the 2019 highlights:

January – I had a great check up with my neurologist following an ear infection that went to my brain.
February – Feb. 2014 was my anniversary for being matched with correspondent.
March – The start of my diapie disappearing adventures.
April – Celebrated my sixth birthday on April 15.
May – Enjoying stroller rides in the beautiful fresh air and sunshine.
June – It is official, this lil’ black & white southern kitty is a certified therapy cat and is part of the Aged to Purrfection program at Tabby’s Place.  I have a pretty pink bandana, ID badge and certificate.
July – As lobby ambassador I greeted thousands of visitors to the Kitten Shower & Adoption Event – but no sighting of a kitten who looks like a mini Rose!
August – Loving life in the lobby, welcoming visitors, directing delivery drivers, and seeing off adopted kittens and cats.
September –I learned that playing in a brown paper bag with catnip brings out my wild side!
October – “Where is Rose?” – uttered multiple times by my correspondent in response to my busy out of Tabby’s Place schedule with the Aged to Purrfection program.
November – Discovered the joy of making biscuits on a fluffy cat bed.

As 2019 comes to an end, I look forward to welcoming the New Year with you.  I wish you the happiest of holidays and thank you for being an important part of my life!  Sending whisker kisses filled with love!

(With help from your correspondent, Ilene)