Update for Rose

Update for Rose

Dear Fans and Followers,

Are we really saying farewell to 2018 and welcome to 2019? When I was a lil’ kitten my very wise mama cat told me to enjoy every minute of every day, because time does not wait. I think I understand what she meant. As my special sponsor, you have been by my side every step of the way. Your love and support are what got me through some really scary health crises. Thank you for never giving up on me. I might be lil’ but I have the spirit of a fighting tiger!

I hope you have a chance to stop by Tabby’s Place this month and enjoy the festive decorations. There is such positive energy in the sanctuary. I had so much fun at the “Thanksgiving with the Cats” event that was held last month. We all enjoyed having visitors feed us Thanksgiving meals. It was busy, but when it got too noisy I just retreated to my quiet cat bed under the reception desk.

The weather has been a bit too nippy to spend a lot of time in the solarium. My correspondent promised to take me to the solarium as soon as the weather warms up. My cough is gone, but we certainly don’t want to take any chances.

I have some exciting news to share! This lil’ black and white southern kitty is featured as the “July Cat” in the Tabby’s Place 2019 Calendar of Cat Treats. My correspondent just had a total knee replacement a few weeks ago and has not been able to visit with me this month. At first, I was scared that I wore her knee out from making her chase me around the solarium for a monthly update picture. She put my heart at ease and is so happy with the calendar that she keeps it always turned to July! You can buy a calendar through the Tabby’s Place Shop at Zazzle at Tabby’s Place Shop.

Some people prefer to make long lists of New Year’s Resolutions. My preference is to appreciate all of the good from the past year and bring this positive energy into the new year.
That’s why I’m tickled pink to end the year with a good health report. I am doing well and will see my neurologist next month for a check-up.

I consider myself a peacemaker and try to get along with all I meet. Heck, when I lived in Suite A, I even oversaw welcoming new roommates. Hold your horses, because one of my cat friends has decided she enjoys bullying me when she visits my home in the lobby. That would be Pixie , and for the life of me I can’t figure out how she got a burr under her saddle!

Happy New Year and thank you for being in my life! Sending you extra sweet whisker kisses!