Update for Pepita

Update for Pepita

Greetings, Team Pepita!

Spring is all about solarium time for Pepita.  It’s where I found her on my last two visits, relishing the fresh breezes and the sights and sounds out back at Tabby’s Place.  The major construction noises are long gone in the areas near Pepita, so quiet snoozing is her favorite pastime.  She watches the birds fly by, the butterflies flit about in the nearby Cherny’s Garden, and watches carefully as some staff members enjoy their lunches at the picnic tables under the big shade tree.

When I visited Pepita in the solarium, there was one other of her new suitemates out there, a super-friendly tabby—a sweet little pepper named Poblano.  Of course, Poblano wanted treats and love, too, though Pepita didn’t seem all that pleased, as she wanted all those just to herself. Poblano came to Tabby’s Place after the loss of her human caretaker, but she is now certainly up for lots of love and affection!

On the medical front, the staff noted that Pepita’s bladder is often large and full. While Pepita is always very cooperative when her bladder is being expressed, her bladder is difficult to empty as it is very taut. But our marvelous staff is taking extra care to make sure it is fully emptied.  Also, I just heard that Pepita started limping and holding up her right front leg yesterday. She was given a dose of pain meds to hold her over through the weekend until the full vet team is onsite again. Then they will do their usual fantastic job of assessing the situation. I have a kitty at home who has arthritis in her one paw and often raises it. Let’s hope Pepita’s issue is just some arthritis.

I’m guessing you already know that May is Mental Health Month and that cats play an important role.  According to Canip Times, “For cat people it’s no question: the whiskers, the fuzzy faces, the meows, and the head nudges let us know our cats are definitely beneficial to our mental health.”

Cat purring has long been thought to be medically therapeutic for illnesses in humans, as well as soothing and calming the cats themselves.  This is partly why the seniors who benefit from our Aged to Purrfection visits from cats like Pepita love the way the cats make them feel.

It’s kitten season!  One of the best stories yet is how Patches gave birth to her babies and then took on a little orphaned Marchand as if he was her own. Read all about it here in our special Mother’s Day blog post: The Mothership.  For all the mothers out there, we hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, no matter if you are a mother of human babies or fur babies!

If you live nearby or are in the area this spring, Pepita would love to shower you with some whisker kisses and her signature purring. Stop by to see this sweetheart and you will have a difficult time pulling yourself away to go home. Your lap will be owned by her and she will want you to stay in the solarium with her for hours!

Thank you for your kindness to Pepita.  She is enjoying a good life at Tabby’s Place thanks to you.

Your correspondent,