Update for Pepita

Update for Pepita

Dear Awesome Friends of Pepita,

Snow has arrived in full measure here at Tabby’s Place

Welcome to six more weeks of winter, as noted by the Prognosticator of Prognosticators Punxsutawney Phil, the heaps of snow on the ground, ice on the roadways, and generally cold temps. Did you have any idea that this famous groundhog has been around since 1887? I learned this while reading through 11 Punxsutawney Phil Facts for Groundhog Day earlier this month. Most impressive among these facts was that this special groundhog has his own 15-member “inner circle,” who helps administer to the furry creature throughout the year and ensure he is in tip-top shape for the big event.

Hmmm… sound familiar?  I drew an immediate parallel to the wonderful staff and volunteers at Tabby’s Place, who form an “inner circle” to care for the amazing felines who make their home at the sanctuary. It does seem that there is a magic elixir that Tabby’s Place administers to kitties in huge quantities, and that elixir is LOVE!

Thanks to Phil’s prediction, I have been prevented from my usual Sunday visits with Pepita the last two weeks, as the timing of the snow and icy roads arrived exactly when I would be leaving to drive many minutes to complete my volunteer shift and get to our sweet girl. It just made it too risky to make the journey on those two Sundays. So I am feeling deprived, especially on this Valentine’s Day, of her sweetness and love.

I did hear that the solarium was closed one day because it was actually icy in the solarium, and ice skating was not a known skill of the cats in Suite A! Pepita still braves the cold solarium—on the days when the staff feels it is not too cold—but usually curls up on the heated bed or in the heated igloo.

Pepita’s skin irritation is improving, and so she is getting a lower daily dose of allergy medication once more. Otherwise, she has been in good health and spirits.

There is a new resident of Suite A named Stefan  (pronounced Sté-fáwn because he’s a fancy boy)—a sleek and handsome black panther type kitty, who is an affectionate fur baby with humans, but not so fond of other cats.  As he is getting acclimated to his new digs, he is crated overnight.  When he is released in the morning, Stefan is quite excited about his freedom and uses his pent-up energy to occasionally challenge other kitties who may cross his path.  One day Adam was the one in Stefan’s path and, seeing this, Angelo—a shall we say ‘hefty‘ boy—stepped right in and gave the new guy a firm swat! I’m anxious to see how welcoming Pepita is to Stefan and vice versa.

As you can see from the pictures, Pepita takes pride in her appearance, grooming, and grooming, and grooming… I think she knows just how beautiful she is and wants to look her best at all times.

We wish you a month filled with love.  Angela, Tabby’s Place Development Director, wrote a wonderful blog this month called “What You Cannot Lose,” where she says you cannot lose your anam cara. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being Pepita’s anam cara, and being in her ‘inner circle’ of those who care for her throughout each year.

We’ll catch up again in March, which I hope will bring less snow and more visits with Pepita!

Your correspondent,