Update for Olive

Update for Olive

Happy Almost-Summer, Olive Fans!

It’s time for another update on our lobby greeter. We’ll tackle the medical news first, and I’m happy to report that there is none; Olive has been doing well medically over the last month. Long may it last!

Our black-and-white girl still holds vigil frequently by the door to Quinn’s Corner. She watches everyone come and go, waiting for just one person to accidentally hold the door open long enough for her to scoot through. That has not happened over the past four weeks, but it turns out that Olive had another trick up her sleeve.

Somehow, and nobody knows just how this happened, Olive managed to sneak into our front vestibule. If you have not been to Tabby’s Place, we have a double door system at the front of the facility, where the outside doors open into a vestibule, and the vestibule doors open into the actual facility. Of course, the reverse holds true if you are exiting. We have no idea how Olive managed to end up in the vestibule, but she was herded back inside by a staff member with a blanket (picking up Olive is not recommended!)

Olive’s recent and surprising tolerance of other felines near her has its limits, as I found out not long ago. I walked into the lobby from Quinn’s Corner to find Olive eating some wet food; Hips, Farva, and Prescott were all in close proximity to her, all very interested in trying to steal into Quinn’s Corner. Although none of them were showing any interest in what Olive was eating, she must have thought they were trying to muscle in on her food. It was too much for our feisty girl, and she was growling vigorously. I’m afraid I did not improve her mood when I took away the food (it was a kind she’s not supposed to have). Even so, I noticed that Olive didn’t take out her ire on the three nearby. She made her way back into the lobby and took a nap.

We love Olive, no matter what surprises she has in store for us. And it means so much that you’ve chosen to show her your love, too. Thank you!

Your correspondent,