Update for Morgan

Update for Morgan

Although we know his heart is in in bad shape, based on observation, Morgan continues to do wonderfully.
He romps around like a kitten, he eats great, acts happy.
I envy him, in terms of attitude.

In addition, it appears that he has become a teen “heart throb.”
Though only a part-time resident of the Community Room, that has been enough time for little Pasha (pictured below) to develop a huge crush on Morgan.

Little Pasha has grown from a shy kitten to a spunky teenage girl and, like all teenage girls, has been hit hard by puberty.

Ok, you know that’s not really so, since Pasha cannot produce the hormones necessary for puberty.
But, with a little poetic license, you can see her running after Morgan, her pigtails flapping behind her, chirping and trying to attract his attention.

It is adorable, especially since Morgan seems completely oblivious to her flirtations, as he cruises majestically around the Community Room.
She is crestfallen when he leaves the room without so much as a nod in her direction.

Fortunately, she is young and recovers from the heartbreak quickly, taking solace in a stuffed mouse or one of the many toys in the room.

Morgan is taking all of this in stride, though he has been on the phone to his agent all morning — looking for the cover of the next Teen Beat magazine. 🙂