Update for Morgan

Update for Morgan

I am pleased to announce that Morgan is officially the “nicest cat in the world.”
This past week I watched him interacting with many visitors, including numerous children who do not understand that one shouldn’t run up screaming and squeeze an unfamiliar cat around the neck.
With some of our cats (not to mention names, but I’ll spell it for you: J-A-C-K-I-E), that could lead to a loss of body parts.

But, with Morgan, the result is a big hunk of love.
He luxuriates in the attention, which leads to a crowd of gushing admirers.

Morgan is even nice in the face of not-so-nice fellow cats.
The newest resident of the Lobby is lovely Olive.
Olive is a small, one-year old tuxedo who was born with severe spinal deformities that left her rear legs stiff and unusable.

But that doesn’t deter her from scooting around Lobby and screaming like a banshee at the other cats.
A feline doesn’t even have to be near Olive to be the target of her attention. Within eyesight is good enough.

Morgan takes all of this in stride.,
He is unruffled by her antics and bad attitude.
In the photo, you can see his reaction to a recent Olive tirade: he just moved his paw onto his stuffed tiger (presumably to protect her from Olive’s wrath).

Morgan’s health remains stable (for Morgan, that is).
Every day with him is a treasure.
In fact, I think it’s safe to say that every day is treasured by him.
And, that’s what we’re here for, after all.