Update for Morgan

Update for Morgan

If you have read more than a few of my Morgan updates, you know I have a strong affinity for the Buddhist way of thinking.
Buddhist philosophy has a very direct, non-flinching approach to death that helped me deal with Tabby’s death 16 years ago. And led to the founding of Tabby’s Place, I note.

Buddhists (and many others) say that “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
Morgan has been my teacher several times, and the other week, I had another wonderful lesson.

I was worrying about something or other and my head was swarming (“monkey mind” is a wonderful Buddhist term for this).
I wandered into the Lobby, sat down on a couch and pulled out my phone to distract myself.
Within 30 seconds, Morgan had sauntered over and jumped to curl up next to me.

I petted him absentmindedly and flipped through some news articles.
The first story that caught my eye was entitled 3 Things Cats Can Teach Us About Buddhism.

I won’t go over much here, since you can read the article if you’re so inclined.
But, I am going to list the three points here, since I think that anyone who loves cats will immediately agree that cats are masters at these practices:

  1. Non-Doing
  2. Self-Love
  3. Living Freely in the Moment

I will also confirm that that these form the core of many Buddhist teachings and practices.

After reading the article, I put away the phone and spent some quality, non-distracted time with Morgan.