Update for Morgan

Update for Morgan

Morgan has decided to become bi-coastal.
He now spends equal amounts of time in the Lobby and the Community Room.
I do not see any logic in his choice of residence (e.g., summer in the Lobby, winter in the CR), but then he is surely using “cat logic” (inscrutable to us humans).

I must point out, however, that there is a new girl in the Lobby. Voluptuous Jackie is a long-term resident, recently moved to the Lobby, strictly based on seniority.

I’m not saying that this has anything to do with Morgan’s travels, but I will keep a close eye on things and let you know. A girl in every port, you know…

On the medical front, Morgan’s biggest problem this month is chin acne.
It is so nice to be able to say this for a cat with severe heart disease.
The worst he has to deal with is a gentle chin scrub once per day.