Update for Morgan

Update for Morgan

Two weeks ago during morning rounds, I saw that Morgan’s medication bag had been moved into the Community Room.
My last thread of hope was rended asunder:
he was not coming back to the Lobby.

Since cats are such fickle beasts, we typically leave their med bags in their original location until we think the move is permanent.

So, seeing Morgan’s bag in the Community Room was like finding your extra apartment key in the mailbox one day after work (like after you break up, but your ex still has a key, leaving you with a shred of hope for a reconciliation).

I was all ready to report the sad news today.
But, I came in last Wednesday morning and who was in the Lobby: my Morgan.
I was so happy I ran over and squeezed him tightly.
Admittedly he looked perplexed, but I think he got the message.

The employees are telling me not to get my hopes up. They say it’s only temporary and he’ll break my heart again.

But I don’t care.
The Lobby is now cooler than the Community Room. Not only is Morgan back, but Peachy has returned after a long hiatus spent slumming in the Community Room.

The Prodigal Son has returned.
(Oh, yeah: Morgan’s health is stable.)