Update for Morgan

Update for Morgan

The past 30 days have been magnificent for Morgan.
He is now bicoastal, spending time in the Lobby and the Community Room, as the whim strikes him.

This past Saturday he was in his glory when a small troop of Girl Scouts showed up for a tour.
As usual, the girls wanted to hug every cat in sight.
Wile some of the Lobby residents, like Tinkerbell, run at the first sign of small humans, Morgan was front and center.
He was happy to be mashed and mushed by the troop, and the look on his face was priceless.

Morgan continues to ignore his severe heart disease and is running and jumping with the kids (like Zoey, who lives in the Community Room).

Morgan has also been a perfect gentleman for his meds.
So I was quite surprised the other morning when I scruffed him for his pills and he seemed quite agitated, pulling away forcefully.
I’m used to difficult cats, so I strengthened my hold and pushed the plunger on the pill shooter.

Just as he pills were entering his mouth I looked up and saw … Angel.
As you see below left, she looks like Morgan only in that she does have some orange fur and she is a cat.

I quickly removed the pill shooter and the remains of pills spilled out of her mouth.
After I apologized to her, I spoke to our Vet Tech, who assured me that there would be no ill effects from the small amounts she had likely ingested.

I went on to pill the “real” Morgan, feeling suitably chastised for not paying more attention.