Update for Morgan

Update for Morgan

I was, as usual, doing morning rounds last Wednesday and was at Morgan’s entries in the Med Book.
Knowing his new habits, I crawled under the front desk and reached behind the file cabinet.
No Morgan.

Ugh … he must have found a new place to hide.
So I began my search of the known hiding spots: inside the plastic “house,” under the stair leading to the couches, under blankets in cages.
But, no sign of Morgan.

On to less likely spaces: inside trash cans (yes, it’s happened a few times), locked in the bathroom, inside the medical pantry.
Still, no Morgan.

I stood there scratching my head, trying to decide whether to call reinforcements (always embarrassing).
Then I saw him. He was lying contentedly on the couch right near me.
Hiding right in the open … an excellent tactic to make humans look foolish.

It appears that Morgan has “decided” to no longer be difficult to pill.
He took his meds like a champ, with barely a gulp.

This kind of eccentric behavior is one of the things I love about cats.
For grins, I looked up the definition of the word “eccentric.” One of the meanings is

not placed centrally or not having its axis or other part placed centrally

Sounds just right to me 🙂