Update for Kitten Fund

Update for Kitten Fund


Dear Kitten Lovers,

“They say that the test of literary power is whether a man can write an inscription. I say, “Can he name a kitten?” -Samuel Butler

The kitten namers have been ever so busy at Tabby’s Place during our steamy summer! If kittens were currency, we would have been very wealthy indeed. The avalanche of kittens has included Mateo and Dave—who recently delighted the residents of a nearby assisted living facility when they went there on an Aged to Purrfection visit—Chaz & Veronica, The Beatles, Wynken, Blynken and Nod, The Subaru kittens, Dandelion & Burdock, Mariah & Patrick, Kevin, Chuck & Norris, The Cowboys, and The Western kittens. If you ever doubted the irresistible appeal of kittens, here is the evidence that you need never question it again. They are flying off the store shelves faster than we can stock them. All are in foster care preparing for adoption and many have already been adopted.


Several of the kittens returned from foster care or adoptive homes to be spayed and/or neutered before being officially adopted. These include Kimchi and Eggroll and all four of the fabric litter kitten, Taffetta, Chenille, Suede and Cashmere. Taffeta needed a little extra care for a hernia repair (what could the little cutie have been trying to lift?). The good news is that she recovered quickly and was able to return to her loving forever home. Hopscotch along with her partner Pattycake also came in for the ever-popular spaying procedure. Prior to this, Hopscotch had developed a limp which upon examination showed that her right hind hock was swollen and non-weight bearing. The vet team sprung into action, took x-rays, and splinted her leg, discovering along the way that she had a growth plate fracture. Thankfully she has made a full recovery and will soon be transitioning to her forever home.


Back on the range, the cowboy kittens are stubbornly holding onto their ringworm. Ponderosa and her litter of 5 Western kittens returned to Tabby’s Place from their foster home so that they could begin their ringworm treatments now that they are weaned. On the “kitten too naughty for his own good front,” Kevin chewed a TV cable while in foster care, so he now goes to his adopters with a red flag and an “alerted” family that has chew proofed or in this case “Kevin-proofed” their house. There is nothing like a loving forever home to help an adventurous kitty make better choices.

As the upheaval with the completion of Quinn’s Corner continues to be part of the daily life at Tabby’s Place, we want to take a moment to express our unwavering gratitude for the support you have given to help focus on the mission of Tabby’s Place. Just a friendly reminder that if you know anyone who might be interested in joining the Tabby’s Place family as a volunteer, please direct them to the Tabby’s Place website to fill out an application.

Thank You!

Your correspondent,