Update for Jeremiah

Update for Jeremiah

Just after I last updated you on Jeremiah, two of his sponsors came to see him.
We took jeremiah into one of our Adoption Rooms so that they could visit with him.

As usual, The Big Guy was a different cat once away from his suite-mates. He was alert and interested, walking around the adoption room, vigorously ’killing’ toys, even coming up for attention from his visitors.

Before they left, these sponsors did something very nice; they presented Jeremiah with an enormous wicker basket filled with a soft cushion. The basket is so large I’m convinced it was originally designed for a very big dog (or a very small pony); it’s so large it can comfortably accommodate Jeremiah and another cat. Jeremiah took one look at this new basket and adopted it as his own. Naturally, a cat of his exalted status can’t be expected to curl up with one of the plebian felines with whom he’s forced to share quarters, but he’ll graciously allow a suite-mate to occupy the basket with him much of the time.
Many is the morning we’ve gone into the FIV+ suite to find either Gus or Rambo sharing the basket with Jeremiah.

And that reminds me of another piece of news: Rambo was adopted! A lovely couple who wanted a companion for the FIV+ cat they already had took him home. While we all miss Rambo very much, Jeremiah, typically, seems unaffected by his absence.

If you’ll recall, last month I reported that suite-mate Jack had attacked Jeremiah, apparently without provocation. While the attacks have continued sporadically, I have to wonder if Jeremiah is as innocent here as I’d first thought.

Last week, I was in the FIV+ suite saying hello to the cats. Jack and Jeremiah were sleeping right next to one another in the cubbyholes (as a properly fickle cat, Jeremiah doesn’t always sleep in the new basket).

As he often does, Jack came over to say hello almost immediately; The Big Guy continued to sleep. After a short time, Jack strolled over to one of the two bowls of dry food for a snack. I stood up to scratch Jeremiah on the side of his neck, which I know he likes. About two minutes later, he shook himself, got up, and stretched. He jumped off the cubbyholes, then, to my surprise, walked over to the same food bowl, lowered his big head, and simply pushed Jack out, completely ignoring the second bowl, which was all of three feet away.

Jack didn’t attempt to get back to the food once Jeremiah had started eating, nor did he go over to the second bowl, which had about the same amount of food in it. We’re all rather puzzled by this behavior, but we can’t be in the suite twenty-four hours a day, so it’s difficult to know who instigates what. It’s hard for us to imagine these cats having a serious personality conflict, as they’re both so good-natured around people and other felines. But clearly something is happening that shouldn’t be; we’ll have to keep a sharp eye on this pair.

As always, your contributions help keep our Big Guy well-fed and healthy. Thank you!