Update for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear supporters of Colleen,

It’s kitten season, and kittens continue to be plentiful at Tabby’s Place. Colleen, who initially showed some annoyance at having her Community Room overrun by kittens, has managed to keep herself together. She’s spent some time snoozing in a cardboard box. She’s hung out in an open kitten crate. She’s relaxed on her bench near the window. She’s done what she had to do to keep herself as far away from the kittens as possible.

But then the kittens didn’t go away. More came. And then more came. And even though they were cute, they were also super annoying. And everywhere. And they wanted to play. With Colleen.

Colleen is a real lover, but enough was enough. This past month saw the straw that broke the camel’s back. Now, instead of walking away, Colleen growled and swatted at the pesky miniature furballs. Not that they were offended. Oh, no, kittens will be kittens. If they couldn’t play with Colleen, they would go on to find another “grown-up” cat to torture. Well, not exactly torture, but you know what I mean.

In the meantime, Colleen managed to find enough time to be on her own. She’s been feeling good. Except for some minor nasal discharge, which the good folks at Tabby’s Place are treating with an antibiotic, she’s had no health news.

As always, Colleen and I thank you for your continued generosity. Enjoy these wonderful summer days!