Update for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear Supporters of Colleen,

The other day when I was visiting Colleen, there was lots of excitement in the Community Room. The kittens were, of course, running around like little hooligans. Fellow volunteer Jen was attempting to sweep the floors. Some insurance people were making a presentation to Jonathan, who was patiently listening. Danielle was making arrangements for the pick-up of a new cat. I’d just entered. I only had eyes for Colleen, who was doing her best to block out the chaos of the room around her.

Her favorite place is the sofa bench near the window when the sun is shining. Her fur still felt warm when I scooped her in my arms and held her there, like a baby, rocking her gently as I caressed her face. She relaxed completely, started to purr, and for a moment all the noise and busy confusion faded into the background. It was just Colleen and me.

Several people passed us by and smiled. “She looks just like a baby,” they said. Colleen ignored them and continued to lay there. The sun came back out and warmed her fur. I stroked her neck. She closed her eyes.

Finally she squirmed a little, which was her way of saying she needed to get down. She trotted off to the fountain for a nice cold drink of water. The moment, for the time being, was broken. But still, “cat people” know that when you’re friends with a cat and when you’re holding said cat -— who you love -— in your arms, you share in a rare moment of peace and contentment.

On the medical front, this was a super quiet month for Colleen. Other than one minor incident of face pawing, there is literally nothing to report. Yeah! Even Colleen’s upper respiratory infection resolved itself, and she was taken off antibiotics!

On the social side, because she is such a wildly popular girl -— must be her fab looks and fantastic personality —- Colleen had several longtime sponsors visit this month. So she is feeling well loved and well cared for, and what could be better? We all know how tough it is to get through the dreaded month of January with the cold and snow!

So, please, if you have an opportunity to come and visit our girl, she loves the company.

As always, Colleen and I thank you for your continued generosity!