Update for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear supporters of Colleen,

Utter contentment! Those are the words that float through my mind the minute I waltz into the Community Room and spot Colleen. Lately, she’s been lounging on the sofa near the window, catching a snooze on one of the chairs that surround the large table where volunteers are often busy at work. If not found on the sofa, Col is often gulping up the water that squirts from the fountain or just strolling around, trying to avoid any of the “dreaded kittens.” And I use that term affectionately.

But here’s where the “utter contentment” comes in. No matter where Colleen is or what she’s doing, the moment she catches a whiff of my scent, she stops and wants to be picked up and held. She wants to be with me as much as I want to be with her!

Our favorite place is near the window, of course. If the sun is shining, Col and I both want to be under those rays, feeling the warmth, especially now that it’s been so cold outside. There’s not much that I enjoy more than petting Colleen’s face, stroking her whiskers, and feeling her nuzzle against me.

So when you think of Colleen, imagine all of that — how loved she at Tabby’s Place!

Now, of course, she still has to deal with some medical issues, but what else is new? What’s so frustrating is that the good folks here thought they had Colleen’s stomach issues resolved. Her constant bouts of diarrhea had been caused by her antibiotics — so our medical team thought, anyway. Once we changed or discontinued those antibiotics, that particular issue would be resolved. However, that was not to be the case. Colleen’s diarrhea continued even when she was off the antibiotics. Now the Tabby’s Place team is treating her gastrointestinal problems with medication. If that doesn’t solve the problem, they will consider an abdominal ultrasound.

Whatever the month may bring medically, know that Colleen will find utter contentment and enormous love in the midst of it. Colleen and I thank you for your continued generosity in making that possible.