Update for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear supporters of Colleen,

Before I share all the news that’s fit to print regarding our Colleen, indulge me for a moment. Colleen leads an interesting life at Tabby’s Place. There is always something going on that seems to affect her. But I’ll get to that in a minute. I’d like to first describe how lovely she’s looking.

During the last few weeks when I’ve visited her, although she’s looked a little thinner, Colleen’s coat has looked absolutely stunning -— shining and clean, as if she were on her way out to dinner for a night on the town. Her face has looked simply ravishing. She’s seemed happy and content, and when I’ve sauntered over to pet her and let her smell my hand, she’s flashed me the prettiest smile before I’ve picked her up and held her in my lap. She’s always quite content to cuddle close and purr. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she was one of the healthiest cats on the planet -— by looks alone, of course.

The first major change in Colleen’s life is that she is no longer hanging out in Jonathan’s office. She used to be quarantined there with her diabetic-safe food, but Jonathan now has a new roommate, Doc Watson. Since Doc is FIV+, Colleen is now back in the Community Room as an extra precaution.

Any “contraband” food in the Community Room that is off limits to Colleen is simply placed out of her reach on tables. Since Colleen is not into leaping tall buildings/tables to reach tasty morsels, this strategy is highly successful.

Medically, Colleen, recently recovered from last month’s urinary tract infection, contracted an upper respiratory infection. Tabby’s Place is treating this with antibiotics diluted into her regular subcutaneous fluids.

On the positive side, Colleen’s ears officially tested negative for ringworm, which means the staff can discontinue wiping them down and worrying about them…for now.

As you might be able to guess, you can usually find Colleen — when she’s not catnapping — hunkered down near the window, watching the snow fall or hoping for the sun to shine. Or maybe she’ll be near her water fountain, enjoying a leisurely sip of cold, fresh water.

Yes, life is good for our Colleen.

We thank you, as always for your continued generosity, and hope you keep warm during this cold month of January.