Update for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear supporters of Colleen,

Let me begin this month by clearing up a small mystery with regards to Colleen. I had so much medical news to share last month that I neglected to explain the origin and meaning of the wonderful photo I posted of Colleen in July: you know, the one where she was wearing the lovely hat. Dunce cap, or party hat?? Well, if you know Colleen like I know Colleen, you know she would never warrant one of those old-fashioned dunce caps.

The truth of the matter is that one of the volunteers, who loves Colleen just about as much as I do (and there are plenty of them, not to mention the entire staff, who is just bonkers over her), decided to construct a cute little hat just because…well, just because she loves Colleen.

This volunteer showed me the cap and suggested that we try it on Colleen. Being a total ham, Colleen began to pose, and the moment was captured. So, yes, call Colleen a “party cat” if you must, but remember the hat was given in love!

Now, for the monthly medical news: Colleen has been battling the same issues as last month. The inflammation in her mouth was resolved when the vet team increased her antibiotic dose, but that caused the usual intense diarrhea. When her antibiotic was decreased, her diarrhea calmed down, but the inflammation sparked up again. Through it all, Colleen was cool and calm, gentle and loving. She enjoyed her fountain of water and any sunshine she could find.

This month, we spent a lot of time nuzzling together.

As always, we thank you for your continued generosity. You’re helping Colleen to stay happy, healthy…and ready to party through it all.