Update for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear Supporters of Colleen,

I just love this story. Tabby’s Place Development Director Angela reports that Colleen has been mistaken — on at least two occasions — for being the mother of the kittens who now inhabit the Community Room. Now, I’ve been saying for years how absolutely beautiful Colleen is — but, obviously, her youthful appearance has been noticed by others! Is it her emerald green eyes? Her lovely white fur? I predict our Irish girl will continue to cause a stir!

Of course, the irony of this story is that Colleen wants nothing to do with the overactive rascals. In fact, on several occasions, she’s taken to sleeping in one of the cages in the room, in her quest for temporary peace and quiet.

In other news, Colleen fared quite well after having some dental work done, but then her caudal fauces became inflamed. Now that is the arched opening at the back of the mouth that leads to the pharynx. The inflammation caused Colleen a great deal of discomfort and led to some weight loss. She is now back under eight pounds. To counteract this effect, Tabby’s Place started Colleen on the same antibiotics she’s been on before, confident that Colleen will be feeling better before long.

I was in the Community Room recently to visit her, and she was as sweet as ever. The minute I picked her up and held her in my arms, she began to purr. She quite enjoyed gazing down on the kittens below.

As always, Colleen and I thank you for your continued generosity to Tabby’s Place. Enjoy the lovely weather we are having.