Update for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear Supporters of Colleen,

How much love can you hold in your heart for one little cat? Lots, I suppose, especially when that cat is just waiting to be petted and loved. And especially when she looks like a work of art. Some cats are downright beautiful. They have markings that take your breath away. Colleen is such a cat. She has this delicate balance of black and white coloring interspersed throughout her fur that makes her look so elegant. And just when you think she is the perfect mix, you notice the dot of white at the end of her tail. It is as if an artist painted her first on canvass and just had to put a dash of white paint just so . . . there. I didn’t notice that spot the first time I met her. But this last time I visited, I thought–how cute that is.

But, I may be getting carried away a bit because Colleen is not so little. She has a breadth and depth to her. A heftiness that is especially apparent when you sit down next to her on the sofa and she decides to throw herself sideways against you and almost knocks you onto the floor. Not that she is intending to body-slam you; that is just her way of making contact. Maybe because the kid loves to eat. Each time I come to visit, Colleen needs to take a reprieve. She hops on down from her perch and saunters over to the food bowl. She doesn’t mind snacking when there are visitors in the room.

Some might say she is all lovely fur. This time when I came to visit, I noticed a brush and decided that she was in great need of a thorough combing. I wasn’t sure how Colleen was going to react to this. Some cats like to be groomed; others don’t. Colleen loved it.

The purring started immediately. After I had finished one side, she turned herself over and I was able to do her other side. The fur just kept on coming. And, of course, her favorite thing was to rub her whiskers against the brush. With her eyes closed. While loudly purring. Perfect You Tube video, I thought. And wouldn’t anyone watching her be jealous of such perfect contentment?

But is our Colleen content? What you ask? Well, rumor has it that Colleen–although loving her suite at Tabby’s Place–has had her beautiful green eyes on the door. Just the other day a staff member came to visit and Colleen made the grand escape–she waltzed on through that door into the hallway like she had somewhere she needed to go.

Now we all know that cats never reveal what they are really up to when caught red-handed in the middle of some mis-deed. Colleen is no exception. So it is left to me to speculate. Did she have a secret rendezvous? Free ticket to the catnip bar? Friend in another suite she wanted to visit?

We’ll never know.

Enjoy the beginning of our summer! Thank you, as always, for your
generous support of our sweet girl Colleen who’s had a good month health-wise!