Update for Bubbles

Update for Bubbles

Welcome, friends of Bubbles!

And how could you not be friends of Bubbles? This little cross-eyed girl has won the hearts of many of us here at Tabby’s Place. The cats of the Special Needs Suite also seem to enjoy being with her.
She cuddles with Sheldon (when not in her cat tree) and snuggles with Reginald. And now that there is a “cat cam” in the suite to monitor the newest resident, Bacon, we can even see what’s she’s doing all the time.

Now, you know Bubbles’ backstory. She was living in a feral community and starving because the other cats wouldn’t let her eat. Then, life changed overnight when she came to Tabby’s Place, where she has received love, food and warmth. But Bubbles doesn’t seem to know she’s safe with us yet; having presumably never had much human interaction before coming to Tabby’s Place, she’s still rather terrified of human touch.

The first time I met Bubbles, she merely looked at me and hissed. Stay away. The next few times, she hissed and batted at me. When I put my glasses into her territory (her cat tree), she sniffed and backed away. Later, I would try to insert my hand. Shredded.

But there are signs of progress. I still have had no luck petting her, but the “slow blink” seems to work, and she returns the gesture. And now, Bubbles will sometimes walk around the suite when I’m in there, as long as I’m not too close.

We all hope that, with love and patience, Bubbles will learn to trust us. Thank you for caring for this precious little girl as she learns the ways of love.