Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Hello, my dear friends!

This month, I heard someone comment on my “gold-star” behavior. On one hand, I think that’s a little silly. To think that I, Boots Rosenberg, would be concerned with earning gold stars? But on the other hand, who doesn’t like earning gold stars? Woohoo!

Here’s the scoop: I’ve been getting along with very nearly everyone. The only exception is Walter, a new cat in the lobby. Let’s just say we’re not buddies. But I’m learning that being friends with other cats can be a good thing. In fact, I was even spotted voluntarily sharing a cushion with Cornell. I’m not cuddling with him, to be clear, but he really is a super nice guy.

But the real reason this is a gold-star month? Today, my friends is August 15th, our favorite holiday: Boots’ Favorite People Day! And yes, that’s you! It means so very much to me to have you on my team, helping to make sure I am in tip-top shape and sharing your lap on command. In honor of our mutual love and affection, I have a special song just for you, my very favorite people. You probably know the tune…feel free to sing along!

“How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)”

How sweet it is to be loved by you. How sweet it is to be loved by you.

I needed the shelter of someone’s love and there you were.
I needed that love through all my ups and downs and there you were.
With sweet pets and good skritches, always getting my worst itches,
I want to stop and thank you, sponsors. I want to stop and thank you, sponsors.
How sweet it is to be loved by you. How sweet it is to be loved by you.

I close my eyes up tight wondering where would I be without you in my life.
Every nap I napped was just a bore, everything I ate it seems I’d eaten before.
But you brighten up for me all of my days with laps and treats, in so many ways,
I want to stop and thank you, sponsors, I just want to stop and thank you, sponsors.
How sweet it is to be loved by you. How sweet it is to be loved by you.

You make better all things than they’d be by myself
for me, there’s you and there ain’t nobody else.
I want to stop and thank you, sponsors. I just want to stop and thank you, sponsors.
How sweet it is to be loved by you. How sweet it is to be loved by you.
Feels so fine, how sweet it is to be loved by you.
Just like ear rubs baby, oh yeah, how sweet it is to be loved by you.
Just like tuna to the cats, man, how sweet it is to be loved by you.

And I love you right back!

Purrs and head bonks to you,
Your Boots