Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Greetings to Boots’ sponsors,

My heartfelt thanks to Angela for stepping in at the last minute to write to you about Boots’ October adventures. My son & daughter-in-law had a baby early, and everyone in the family scrambled to help take care of their other two tots at home. When mom and baby came home at the end of the week, lots of time was spent helping all to get adjusted, do laundry, go to the playground, etc. I loved every minute, but the rest of my life had to go on hold. PS: Mom and baby are now doing splendidly! … and Baby’s name is Sarah Grace.

Oh, how I wish Boots would settle down to live peacefully with his lobbymates! That timeout crate of his gets lots of use. Boots spends nights there because the staff can’t trust him not to terrorize the others while humans are home sleeping peacefully. And, whenever I visit him, it seems that Boots has just entered or emerged from time-out.

We’re all grateful that Boots is free from that dental pain – really we are. But, as one of the battle-scarred veterans of Tabby’s Place noted after medicating Boots one day, “he was a whole lot nicer when he was in pain.” Yes, Boots’ feisty side has come back in full force now that he’s feeling better, and giving him antibiotics for his upper respiratory infection was not a task for the fainthearted. Even toothless cats can fight like they mean it.

Boots’ infection has since cleared up, and 99% of the time he is his usual smooshy self with us humans. (Just don’t try to pill him.) Around cats, it’s another story; our tuxedo boy still earns himself many “time outs” in his crate for his attacks on his neighbors.

Not all the lobby cats defer to Boots, however. Jenny suffers no fools, and she recently gave Boots an earful of screams (and faceful of claws) when he dared to attack her. Sometimes it feels like a middle school cafeteria out there. 🙂

Today Boots curled up in my lap (a first!) to purr and collect his lovies until another cat (does it matter which one?) strolled by. Ever on alert, Boots tensed up and followed his “friend’s” walk, slowly turning his head to watch, making sure the cat didn’t do anything Boots didn’t like. It would be comical if he didn’t inflict such violence on a regular basis. But we love him nonetheless.

Lots of love from Boots, and greetings from the other cats and humans at Tabby’s Place. We are so happy that you are loyal and loving in your support of feisty Boots, the other cats and their wonderful sanctuary home.