Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Happy (late) Valentine’s Day, my dearest friends!

It’s so nice to have a day dedicated especially to love, isn’t it? Now I’m not just talking romantic love here, I’m talking about L-O-V-E love, like what I feel for you. You are absolutely my favorites, and I only wish you could be here right now so I could give you an only-as-Boots-can-deliver-it head bonk.

I do wish we could be together to snuggle (especially since it is so blasted cold here right now!), but me sending love long-distance will have to do in the meantime. I heard about a calendar called Haikus with Hotties this month, which kind of made me chuckle. Poetry plus attractive men? I guess some people might be interested in that. I can go one better though…Free Verse with Felines! I can only imagine that a calendar featuring yours truly would be an instant hit!

At any rate, my dear ones, a poem for you…

Lobby Love

I rest
my head on faux velvet, quilted.
Beloved, my people offer a lap.

They report
“Dandruff on Boots.”
It’s winter, people.
My skin is dry.
Has John Casablancas called, anyway?
My head shots are for you alone.

Now Olive,
A chorus of hiss
And spit
Halie in the crossfire. I,
Prozac within,

Where is their reason when
Cats hurl words
Scything the air or
A nose?
I need no reason. But
Those cats got some ‘splainin due.

On my chosen lap,
Skritch my head.
She tries to leave, I grab
Her leg, claws through denim.
I believe
If you love someone, hold on tight.
I could set you free
But I want you here
With me.

I hold you
My people.
My best loves.

Happy Valentine’s Day! I love you!

Now, cross your fingers that that groundhog was right and spring is around the corner…
