Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Dear friends,

Here it is, Thanksgiving time again, and all of us turn our thoughts to gratitude. Home, family, food…this may be my favorite human holiday!

I have something extra special to be thankful for, too – my bum has healed sufficiently that I no longer have to wear that horrid pink-piped monstrosity of an e-collar. The people here think that I may have had an acute attack of allergic dermatitis. I also threw up once this month, but what self-respecting cat wouldn’t be moved to vomit at having such a fashion choice forced upon them?

But really, friends, the freedom from the collar has me dancing in my heart, and I whipped up a little ditty just for you. A little funk. A little Boots and the Family Tom.

Thank You (Fahelpinme Be Mice Elf Agin)

Lookin’ at my bum, so sore it ain’t no fun
Collar’s too pink, and I wish I could run
Collar keeps chasin’, I wish it would stop
Tied on too securely, it came out on top

I want to thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin
Thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin

Pink all ‘round the collar, fluffy is my face
Get it off me! Tryin’ to put it in its place
Thank you for the treatments but I could never keep
Wearing that durn thing, the style makes me weep!

I want to thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin
Thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin

Sores on my backside
All month long
Everyday people
Cry out “Oh, Boots, what’s wrong?”
Now Boots so happy
Boots he start to cry
Backside is a healin’
No more collar – let it fry!

I want to thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin
Thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin

Flamin’ eyes of Boots cats fear, burnin’ them on sight
Many cats were laughing when I’s wearing pinkéd fright.
Big and bad are makin’ love
Boots is no non-starter
Dyin’ young is hard to take
Wearing pink is harder

Thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin
I want to thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin
Thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin
Thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin
I want to thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin
I want to thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin
I want to thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin
I want to thank you fahelpinme be mice elf agin

Thank you, my dearest friends, for sticking with me through my pink phase. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Your Boots