Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Dear friends,

It is finally, really, truly SPRING!

It has certainly taken its time getting here this year – do you realize just how long it’s been since the trees had leaves? Since the flowers bloomed? Since the sun stuck around long enough to give your good Boots a nice belly-warming when he’s chosen just the right spot for a nap?

I’m absolutely reveling in the springy-ness of spring, my friends, and my heart is just bursting with poetry. (Mind you, that’s bursting in a good way. My health continues to be exceedingly “stable”, which we all like!)

My best work this month has been inspired by another Jersey boy, Joyce Kilmer. He saw a poem in a tree. Well, you know me; I found beauty in more, um, nutritional creatures.


I think that I shall never taste
A poem lovely as fish paste.

A fish whose hungry mouth doth gape
Against the ocean’s flowing scape;

A fish that swims around all day,
And eats some other small fishay;

A fish that may in summer deck
A ring of scales around his neck;

Upon whose bosom coral’s twined;
Who intimately lives with brine.

Poems are made by cats like me,
But only God can make fishies.

Happy spring, dear friends! I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am.

Your Boots