Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Dear friends,

Last year at this time, I was bewitched by that little sprite Mimi. Thankfully, I got to say goodbye to her a few months later when she went to her forever home. This March, I’m saying a different sort of goodbye.

After my regular cardiac ultrasound once again showed that my heart is stable, the people around here decided to discontinue my daily aspirin regimen. Awesome! Just another step along the road to my own forever home.

What with St. Patrick’s Day coming up, I couldn’t help singing an Irish-inspired tribute to my dear departing acetyl salicylic acid.

Drug o’ My Heart

Drug o’ my heart, I loved you,

Now we must part, I loved you,
Dear aspirin pill, sweet aspirin pill,
O’er disease my heart is winnin’,
Your effects my blood was thinnin’,
Drug o’ my heart’s derivatives
Have my dear heart stabilized,
No more my dose,
Go, you have healed my heart.

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what the people here at Tabby’s Place do for me. They really want me to find my forever family, and they even discussed taking me off my only remaining heart medicine. They decided not to (and good thing. Even I would be hard pressed to sing a song about an ACE inhibitor!), but they are always looking out for me. For all of us kitties, really, so my friends and I would like to dedicate this one to them…

That’s an Tabby’s Lullaby

Over in wee Ringoes,
Many years ago,
Our people sang a song to us
In tones so sweet and low.

Just a simple little ditty,
In their good New Jersey way.
And we thank the stars that they should sing
That song to us each day.

Hush, your dinner’s now.
That’s a Tabby’s Lullaby!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Happy Spring to you! And Happy No-Longer-on-an-Aspirin-Regimen to me!
