Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Greetings to Boots’ sponsors,

Unfortunately, Boots’ news hasn’t all been rosy this month. When he began showing signs of serious dental pain, Tabby’s Place started our tuxedo boy on medication. A dental is simply not possible for Boots, since his heart disease would put him at a severe risk of cardiac arrest under anesthesia. We are hopeful that the pain medication will help our boy to stay comfortable and content for a good, long time.

In somewhat lighter news, there’s one cat who makes Boots – Boots! – shake in his, um, boots: it’s none other than tiny, usually-terrified Maya, Jonathan (the Executive Director)’s newest office mate. For whatever reason, Maya has it in for Boots, and will even stalk him while he’s in the litter pan. Boots, who normally has no reservations about attacking other cats, is absolutely terrified of Maya. Until today!

Poor Maya. This was her big, big day: she was planning to leave Tabby’s Place today for her forever home. Dressed in her Sunday best, Maya ran across Boots, who decided to take his revenge, making her VERY happy to be leaving Tabby’s Place. Boots attacked Maya and ended up in solitary confinement (his crate) once again.

That‘s where I found him when I came in this afternoon. After Boots was sprung from jail, he prowled the Lobby searching for Maya, who was safe back in Jonathan’s office. Slowly his tail stopped switching and he calmed down, permitting me to do some serious petting.

Boots does have one friend in the lobby: spunky, blind little Bellis and Boots have formed a friendship (alliance?). Here in the photo you can see a cozy moment captured by Angela, our Development Director. It’s so heartwarming to see a cat, especially a loner like Boots, form friendships with other cats. We know so little about felines, even though humans have lived with cats for thousands of years.

Lucky Boots doesn’t know just how lucky he is to have sponsors like you to care for him and help ensure that his life is as comfortable as possible. But we know! Thank you again for your support of Boots, and all the warm, caring people and adorable cats at Tabby’s Place.