Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Hello, Friends of Beautiful Boots!

My name is Kim, and I am a long-time volunteer and Special Needs “Cat Correspondent” at Tabby’s Place. When I was asked if I could cover the news about Boots this month, I could not hide my smile! Boots misses his regular correspondent Joanne, and looks forward to her return next month.

I have had the pleasure of covering Boots in the past; when I looked back, it was last September! What a coincidence to be back in the Lobby, sitting next to our feline friend, as another fall season is upon us. You will see that I tried to capture those cheerful, Indian Summer colors with the choice of the end-of-summer beach towel, freshly warmed from the Tabby’s Place dryer. On this, Boots happily perched, his black and white tuxedo suit quite a contrast.

We are happy to report that Boots has been taken off of one of his heart medications, and has been monitored very closely for signs of trouble. He is doing well! We plan on keeping him off of that medication indefinitely. Boots also had a recheck of his blood pressure; it was within a normal range. All of this is good news for Boots, who has struggled so in the past with heart and related issues. Such a young, handsome feline boy, to have had such serious health concerns. We pray that his blessings continue, and that his conditions remain more easily managed.

From a social standpoint, Boots remains a little fussy about how he spends his time. Humans? He likes most human beings, but did not seem to care for a child who visited the sanctuary with her mother this past month. This wasn’t the first time this girl had visited the cats, and she was playful towards our felines, but Boots was having none of it! He watched her play through the picture glass window with handsome tabby Adam, and he was glad she did not come in his direction!

As for cats, well, let’s leave it that Boots seems to prefer humans to felines. He watches with curiosity the feline activity in the lobby he calls home, but does not seem to care to partake in that activity. He has been a bit on the careful side since his feline altercation last year with Maine Coon Gingko, a disagreement which caused Gingko to have cosmetic (actually, it was repair) surgery on his right ear in our hospital area. Since that time, I think Boots is a little guarded.

However, it would be hard for Boots not to notice the busy preparations of staff and volunteers for our upcoming Catoberfest event, on October 6. This is our annual open house, and it is an informative, fun day, filled with festivities for every family member. There is lots to do, as well as our normal chores, and Boots keeps busy surveying all of the activity from his lounge chair. The big day includes a silent auction, book signing by Gwen Cooper (author of Homer’s Odyssey), live music and all kinds of lectures and goodies. The kitties would love to see you, and you can click here for more information about the event. In case you can’t join us in person, you can start bidding in the cats’ online silent auction this Monday (9/17) by clicking here. Every penny raised will help care for the kitties.

In the meantime, Boots remains grateful for your gracious gifts each month, that allow him to supervise life in the lobby of Tabby’s Place with a skill and style all his own. Thank you, dearest sponsors, for your part in providing the necessary support for a confident cat; food, shelter, expert medical attention, and tender loving care. It’s what we do best at Tabby’s Place, and what we will continue to do, with your help.