Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Hello sponsors of our little Bootsie (as I call him).

I’m happy to report that it’s been a quiet month for our handsome little terrorist. He seems as mellow and content as a kitty can be. It’s hard to believe from looking at his shining fur, his round face, and his charming demeanor that he’s attacked with pills on a daily basis and suffers through humans giving him ultrasounds on a quarterly basis. But he seems to tolerate all this loving care remarkably well – care provided through your generosity, I might add.

If you’re a cat person (and I have a sneaky suspicion that you are), you know that it’s wise to invade your cat’s privacy and make sure they are using the litter box without any obvious difficulty. Well, our staff is extremely watchful in that regard, and they’ve observed that sometimes Boots appears to strain when he urinates. When he’s checked, however, his urine is normal. We’re not sure exactly why he’s doing this. Since he checks out as healthy in the urinary tract department, we can only guess as to what’s going on with him. One clue may be that he often seems to strain in the morning.

Boots is crated overnight (so the other cats in the Lobby can sleep peacefully while the humans are away), and he never, never uses the litter box in his crate. He’s just particular that way. But maybe he looks a little funny when he visits the litter box first thing in the morning because he’s been sitting in his crate, legs crossed, all night. Maybe he’s really, really gotta go. We guess it’s just one of those funny kitty quirks, that Boots won’t use the box in his crate, but so be it.

In the meantime, the staff keeps a watchful an eye on him, just in case, and if they see that he’s straining regularly, they may prescribe him medication that will help him relax the appropriate muscles at the appropriate time. And you never know, sometimes these things just stop happening of their own accord. Stay tuned on that one!

‘Tis the season to be grateful for all that we have, and for the generous support of our sponsors. Without you we would not be able to provide Boots with the level of care and the quality of life that he enjoys – and in the way of all felines – takes entirely for granted! If Boots could say “thank you” he would – for now a purr must suffice.