Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Dear Wonderful Supporters of our Boots,

When I visited Boots last week for his monthly interview, he was snoozing on one of the new chairs in the lobby. It was just after the “public” hours at Tabby’s Place so it was pretty quiet – except for the staff and volunteers cutting across the lobby taking care of the kitties. I sat down next to Boots and gave him a gentle rub, he woke up, yawned, and blinked at me before assuming the “contented cat” position with paws tucked under him. I was struck by how handsome he is – his black fur gleaming, his pretty white whiskers and eyebrows contrasting against the black of his fur. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was the picture of health.

Our boy has had a quiet month – no medical news, no noteworthy pattern of harassing other cats (for which Geoff, Halie, and, well, everyone is grateful.) He has picked up a few new lobby-mates, Toya and Colleen, but these two girls are a hardy combination of sweet and tough-as-nails, so Boots has wisely left them alone to settle in.

I had heard that Boots picked up a funny new habit, though – trying on the necklaces for sale in the lobby! Various wares are on display on a table above a desk, and while Boots has been known to burrow into a basket full of catnip toys before, this month he’s been going for something a little more glamorous – the lovely hand-strung glass bead necklaces that are on display on the wall. Maybe it’s just the lure of all those ribbons and price tags hanging from them, or maybe it’s that Boots has decided a tuxedo is not enough, but either way, he’s been doing his best to claim the jewelry as his own. I’m actually surprised that the lobby cats haven’t discovered this glittery temptation before now.

So, I’m happy to report Boots is a very happy, mischievous boy, thanks to your generous care.