Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Dear Generous Sponsor of Boots:

When I visited with Boots last week, I arrived at an “off peak” time (as they say in the airlines) when all was quiet at Tabby’s Place, with most of the kitties asleep or at rest. Our Boots was in a large dog-sized carrier in the lobby, resting way in the back, on a plush, fluffy comforter. He looked very content.

I later learned that Boots has yet another new lobbymate, Gabriella, who like Molly before her, has cerebellar hypoplasia. When she first moved to the lobby, she stayed crated so that she could get used to her new environment. As soon as she was cleared to roam free and her crate was left open, Boots moved in! I’m told that he spends time on top of it as well as inside.

Boots has had a quiet medical month, which is great news. Long known as one of our bad boys, Boots seems to be mellowing out a bit, at least with some of the other cats. While I was there peeking in at Boots, I heard a gigantic purr behind me and there was this skinny cat purring up a storm. I asked one of the volunteers who it was and was told it was Ivan
. I didn’t know anything about him but learned that he had been confined to cage rest and was recently released to roam freely in the lobby. It seems as though Boots has made a friend, and the two of them have been spotted looking out the front doors together, and even playing with the same wand toy at the same time. So maybe we’re seeing a personality – uh I mean “catsonality” – change in our Boots!

Thank you for giving him the care and support to make his time here so content!