Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Hello sponsors of Boots!

Greetings from Spring-Has-Sprung New Jersey. The birds have arrived and are hopping around in the back of Tabby’s Place, driving the cats who have access to the solariums crazy. While our little Boots isn’t one of them, he’s one of the privileged few who reside in the lobby and receive lots of staff, volunteer, and visitor attention.

I wondered why he was confined to a (spacious) cage each night when I first visited with him and learned that while he’s great with humans, he’s not so gracious with his fellow felines. So, I was delighted to hear that Boots has been mellowing and learning to play nice with his roommates.

He seems to like his little black and white companion, Ivan . In fact, one day a visitor was sitting on one of the sofas right next to Boots, with Ivan sprawled in her arms. As she petted Ivan, he melted further and further into her arms – and right into Boots’ personal space. All humans present held their breath as Boots reached out a paw…and patted Ivan on the head! Then he out stretched his neck and (gasp!) licked Ivan! Ivan hasn’t had an easy start to his life; perhaps this little kitty’s tough tale has awakened a kinder, gentler kitty from deep inside Boots.

I know it’s tempting to ascribe human emotions to animals (ah look, he feels sorry for him!), but it really does seem as though Boots is gentler with poor little Ivan.

When I visited Boots most recently, he was out in the lobby and curled up in a cat bed having the deepest cat nap I’ve ever seen! What a cutie – half on his back, legs hanging out of the bed, dead to the world. You know – that “gotta find the camera” moment. Looking at that sleeping angel it’s hard to believe he had a battle with Gingko this past month. And Gingko won.

The good news is no news (medically) this month. Boots remains stable thanks to the support you give to his care. Thank you for your generosity!