Update for Boobalah

Update for Boobalah

September Greetings, Dear Boobalah Friends!

Here we are, already in the glorious month of September! Where did all those summer days go? Perhaps lazed away, chasing the sunshine, like Boobalah and some of her friends in the Lobby. While the raindrops now have descended thankfully upon us, Boobalah has some time to rest up for when the sunshine returns.

This has been a busy month in Boobalah’s world. At the beginning of last month, she was having some loose stool which was irritating her anus. She was started on a healing routine so that after her expressing and diaper change, she was gently wiped with an antibiotic cleaner and a soothing salve was applied to her bottom. This wasn’t the happiest time of her day, but it did help to get her healed up rapidly.

The antibiotics for her urinary tract infection cleared it up nicely. A step in the right direction! Boobalah had blood tests that indicated a decreased potassium level, so the medication that she takes was increased and her potassium is within normal range.  The potassium imbalance is related to her kidney disease, which is being monitored. Since Rose has been getting extra treats, Boobalah has discovered the secret stash and has been indulging a bit too much. Her stool and GI system are not tolerating this well so we are once again limiting Rose’s treats. Hopefully, Rose doesn’t hold this against her!

The wonderful staff here at Tabby’s Place hosted another annual picnic for all the volunteers. Although I was not able to make this one, I understand it was amazing, as always. Guest appearances were made by Cotton and Anka, who I am sure lavished in all the attention.

Tabby’s Place is once again open to the public between 1 and 4 pm, every day except for holidays. If you should happen to be in the area, please consider stopping by to see sweet Boobalah. She will more than likely be anxiously awaiting you at the front door!

We wish you love, furry snuggles, and all the things that make you happy. Boobalah is getting all that she needs and most of what she wants (to the extent it’s good for her!) thanks to your generosity. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do for this sweet girl. May you have more days chasing the sun and soaking up the warmth and light.

Be well.

Your correspondent,