Update for Bacon

Update for Bacon

Dear sponsors,

It’s getting colder outside, and the holiday rush is just around the corner—but if you’re Bacon, you don’t worry about all of that. Our friend Bacon has been spending his days curled in a happy little sleepy ball at the feet of Director of Volunteers Karina, and his nights bopping around the office when all us noisy humans have gone home.

Bacon remains mildly skeptical of me. He studies me warily when I come in with offers of treats and meets my pets with a chirp and a hop before he scampers off to a safe distance. Sally assures him that I am harmless, but cats like to make up their own minds about these things. (And Sally’s judgment is hard to trust after she let Karina dress her up as a unicorn for Halloween!).

He tells me he’s feeling much more alert on his lower dosage of medication. He doesn’t feel as groggy and he likes to play more. He does still have the occasional seizure but as always, the staff keeps a close eye on him and tends to all his needs.

In mid-October Tabby’s Place hosted our Chip or Treat event, which featured free microchipping and trick-or-treating. Bacon says it got a little loud for his tastes that day but he didn’t mind too much, except that there were dogs in the building! Didn’t anybody tell us humans that Tabby’s Place is for cats and not loud dogs? We have assured Bacon that the dogs were just visiting for the day and to get their microchips, and that they didn’t get any of his treats. He feels much better.

Otherwise things have been blissfully quiet in Bacon’s world. He’s feeling good, and enjoying the love and attention of his friends on the Tabby’s Place staff. We’re hopeful that his good health will continue!

Don’t tell Bacon, but Tabby’s Place has another wonderful event coming up on November 17. Our Thanksgiving with the Cats will feature treats you can give to the cats, self-guided tours, and a silent auction. We’d love it if you came in for a visit, and I’m sure Bacon would be pleased with some extra treats and affection as well.

As always, thank you for your generous support, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!