Update for Bacon

Update for Bacon

Dear Fans of Bacon,

Our sweet, handsome boy is doing well, but I’ve decided to write his update this month. One morning, it was observed that Bacon was limping on his left hind leg. The staff has been monitoring him carefully, looking for any recurrence of this problem. So far, there hasn’t been any. Our Bacon continues to be a healthy, happy lad.

Bacon and I both hope you’ve been enjoying some of the gorgeous days we’ve had recently. Unlike many of the cats at Tabby’s Place, Bacon doesn’t have the luxury of a solarium. I don’t think that bothers him. I do know that, if given the chance, he’d like to take a walk in the hall. He’s already made one escape, but he was quickly caught. I think I’ll try to get permission to take him on a little walk in the halls by his office. Some cats have been treated to rides around the grounds in a stroller. While Pixie and Anka have enjoyed their jaunts, I think Bacon would become too stressed by all the strange sounds.

Since Bacon is crated during the day, I don’t get to spend too much one-on-one time with him. I stayed late on three occasions to spend time with our boy. After Sally was crated, I opened Bacon’s crate to let him out, but he wasn’t interested in coming out to see me. On all three occasions, he remained in his crate. I talked to him, scratched him under his head, and rubbed his head. I tried luring him out of his crate with treats and toys, but nothing worked!

The weird thing is that he usually watches me when I try to get Sally to play as part of an enrichment program. He looks as if he wants to play, especially with a wand toy. I have one wand that is Bacon’s. It’s a shorter wand, and he seems to prefer it to the longer ones. On those three days, he wasn’t even interested in “his” wand.
I think I just picked the wrong days to stay.

I visit Bacon and Sally several days each week. He’s been alert and has definitely been interested in attention and treats. He is such a sweet cat!
I heard about Bacon’s playful side recently. Before he’s crated in the morning, his cage is always cleaned and made comfortable for him for the day. One morning, a wonderful staff member was fixing his crate when she felt a tug on her shirt. She turned around and saw our silver sweetheart staring at her. Obviously, he wanted to get her attention. I think he was just requesting a nice, soft blanket for his cage. You have to admit that some blankets are a lot softer than others. Our boy deserves the best! I know all the cats at Tabby’s Place deserve the best and receive it. However, since Sally and he are crated half the day, shouldn’t they be given the softest blankets?

Whenever I look at Bacon sleeping peacefully in his cage, I should be happy, and I am. When I think of what he’s been through, I know that peaceful sleep is a gift.

Bacon and I both want to thank you for sponsoring him and giving him so many gifts. Your support helps to see that Bacon is given the best medical treatment, lots of love and attention, a wonderful place to live, and two fabulous officemates, one of whom loves him. Thank you so much!