Update for Bacon

Update for Bacon

Dear Fan of Bacon,

Bacon’s fine, but he’s taking off this month and allowing me to write his update. Our sweet boy has had a month of good health, and that’s certainly good news!

Unless a cat’s actual birth date is known, its birthday is designated as January 1st at Tabby’s Place. That means that our boy is now officially four years old! That’s hard to believe. So much has happened to him in that short time! I can’t imagine what Bacon’s life would have been if he hadn’t been trapped and brought to Tabby’s Place as part of our TNR program. Since his arrival, the staff has done everything to determine his problem, to control his seizures, and to make his life as comfortable as possible. The result: a much happier, calmer Bacon.

If Bacon made New Year’s resolutions, I’m sure one would be to try to become Sally‘s friend. When he’s in his crate, he usually watches her; when she’s crated, he’s made several attempts to approach her. For some reason, she’s rejected his attempts at friendship. Bacon was uncomfortable when he was with a lot of other cats, but I think he could get along with one calm, friendly feline. Perhaps, Sally will become that friend for him.

I think Karina’s office is the ideal place for Bacon. During the day when there are frequent visitors, Bacon is safely crated. He still is nervous around a lot of people. Recently, I was able to spend time with Bacon after a staff member had switched the cats. Of course, Bacon followed her to the gate as she was leaving. Although Bacon seems quite content in the office, he is a cat. Cats are known for their curiosity, and he probably wonders what’s beyond that gate. On at least one occasion, he did manage to break out; this time, however, there was no escape.

When he realized he couldn’t get out, he came over to greet me. I didn’t receive my usual greeting; he seemed nervous. He was skittish when I tried to pet him. I took out his favorite wand toy, but he wasn’t interested in playing. I gave him a furry toy, and he did sniff that. There was some noise in the hall, and that might have upset him. Realizing that, I just talked to him quietly and gave him some treats. By the time I left, he was considerably calmer, closer to the Bacon I’d come to know lately.

Jonathan Rosenberg, the Founder and Executive Director of Tabby’s Place, is a hands-on administrator. He does everything from changing light bulbs, to giving meds, to making up cages. After one recent visit with Bacon, Jonathan shared the following:

“This morning, while changing his cage for new stuff, I dropped a fleece blanket for a minute. Bacon became extremely stimulated by the fleece and began kneading, sucking, and other ‘movements’ quite vigorously. After a minute, he stopped. I picked up the fleece and dropped it down. Same thing.”

It must have been wonderful to see Bacon so stimulated! He’s usually such a laid-back guy. The next time I visit Bacon, I’ll take him a fleece blanket and see what happens.

If Bacon were able to send valentines, I’m sure he’d send quite a few. He would certainly send one to Karina. He really adores her. She has given him a loving home in her office and has become his friend. He knows that Sally is her special girl, but Karina makes him feel special, too. I believe that Bacon is an optimist and would send a valentine to Sally, hoping to win her friendship, if not her heart. He would definitely send valentines to Jonathan and all the staff members. He knows how much they do for him and for all the cats at Tabby’s Place.

I know the last and the most important valentine that he would send would be to you! Your continued support has made it possible for Bacon to be at Tabby’s Place and to receive the best possible care. You truly are his very special Valentine!