Update for Bacon

Update for Bacon

Dear Friend,

I hope you are happy, healthy, and are enjoying these crisp December days. Unlike a lot of the cats at Tabby’s Place, Sally and I don’t have access to a solarium and didn’t get to witness our recent snowfall. That’s just fine with me! I like it in Karina’s office; it’s always warm and comfy in here!

I am very pleased to report that I am very happy and quite healthy. That’s right! There is nothing to report on the medical front. That makes all of us, especially me, very happy!

Since I spend the day in my crate, I get to see everything that happens in “our” office. Karina has many important responsibilities and has to spend a lot of time working on her computer. Usually, Sally is in her bed next to the computer, watching Karina. When Karina leaves, however, Sally occasionally jumps down and claims Karina’s chair! At times, I think Sally thinks that she’s in charge!

Lynn usually comes to see me several times each week. She sits by my crate, opens the door, pets me, and usually gives me some treats. She always tells me how special I am and that I am a good boy. She must really think I’m special because she frequently takes my picture. I feel like a celebrity!

Every Friday, Lynn comes to see Sally as part of the Enrichment Program. It’s always interesting because I never know how Sally’s going to react. On some days, she plays; on other days, she completely ignores Lynn! One Friday, Lynn brought Pawaboo, a mechanical toy that apparently Sally likes. Sally started playing immediately, attacking a mouse as it ran in and out and around on the base. After a few minutes, Lynn told Sally that she was glad she was playing because she had brought some special treats. Well, when Lynn said the magic word “treats,” Sally stopped playing. She went over to Lynn and put her paws on Lynn’s knees. Sally stared at Lynn, as if to ask, “OK. Where are they?”

Lynn pulled a bag of freeze-dried chicken out of her tote bag and gave some pieces to each of us. Sally must have liked them because she gobbled them up immediately. If Lynn gives Sally treats that don’t measure up to her culinary standards, Sally simply walks away. Unlike my fussier feline friend, I always am always thankful for the treats.

Angela Hartley, the Development Director at Tabby’s Place, recently described both Sally and me as “quirky sweeties.” I can understand the “sweeties” part because Lynn always tells me how sweet I am. I have also heard her tell Sally that she has become a very sweet girl.

Are we quirky? I’m not sure about Sally, but I guess I am. I do have at least one unusual trait: a sleep disorder. I think I’m the only cat here who has a problem sleeping. Angela reported that one Tabby’s Place supporter felt ‘a special kinship with Bacon given her own bouts with insomnia.’ It’s nice to know to know I have a kindred spirit who understands me.

As the holidays approach, I am reminded of all the gifts that I have already received. I want to thank you, dear sponsor, for the gift of your continued support. I want to thank the staff of Tabby’s Place for giving me a wonderful home in Karina’s office and for providing excellent medical care. I also want to thank all the volunteers who care for me.

I hope that you enjoy this holiday season and that the coming year brings you joy, happiness, good health, and peace.
