Update for Arlo

Update for Arlo

Arlo has had a mixed month. His health continues to be good, but he is still spatting with several other cats in his suite. We know Nuttin’ is one of them, as Nuttin’ has been caught doing his best to beat up Arlo (Nuttin’ is clearly the aggressor here). Unfortunately, Arlo sometimes
directs his frustration against Penelope or another cat. Because of these fights, Arlo still likes to spend much of his time in his suite’s solarium, preferably without other cats around (he’s lounging in the solarium in photo at right).

If you can catch him by himself there, he is gentle, affectionate, and attention-loving. There’s an empty crate in the solarium with a towel atop it, and that’s his favorite perch. He particularly enjoys butting his forehead against your chin, and he likes a gentle tummy rub as well as a good scratch on the shoulders. When he gets very enthusiastic, he often rolls over or stretches himself out to the point that he’ll fall off the crate, but he never lets that bother him; he just jumps back up and meows at you, as if asking why you stopped petting him.

Because there had been bloody stool in the FIV+ suite a couple of months back and we were unable to determine the cause, and because FIV+ cats can be more susceptible to infections than other cats, we conducted testing for Tritrichomonas, a rare parasite. The testing has been concluded, and to our great relief we have determined that that parasite does not exist in our FIV+ suite. The cause of the bloody stool remains a mystery, but it has not recurred.

We continue to hope for an adopter for Arlo, particularly because he genuinely likes people. Meantime, your sponsorship helps us care for our handsome tabby-orange-and-white boy. Thank you!