Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Dear Friends,

Never mind about the timeshare situation I described in my update to you last month. My luxury accommodations belong once again just to me. How did that happen, you ask? Unfortunately, I took care of business the only way I know how:  I attacked poor Cotton. I had just returned from a stroller ride and Cotton was by the pen with the door open, and I went after him. Our kind junior vet tech had to jump in to separate us, and Cotton was left with a bite injury to one of his rear limbs. He was treated for his injuries and will be okay, though he was a bit shook up.

I know that my attack on Cotton may sound mean, but some of us cats just don’t mix well with other cats. I can’t really explain it, except to say that maybe it’s a leftover instinct from my life on the streets in Turkey where I had to fight for my survival. I hope you’ll forgive me for my poor behavior (pretty please?). And know that, because you are human, all the love in my heart is directed to you.

I was a bit under the weather for Thanksgiving, with a bout of tummy troubles. With some medication and fluids, I was back to normal in no time. The amazing staff decorated Tabby’s Place and are spreading cheer for the holidays, which has definitely lifted my spirits. I’m having fun with the snowman and sparkly lights they put in my luxury accommodations.

I’m sending you lots of love for the holidays and hope that you stay safe and well.


(With help from your correspondent, Mary)